Soft Wall Clean Room

Soft Wall Clean Room

Bacclean cleanrooms are necessary for a variety of industries and uses. When a permanent room is cost prohibitive or when you need the ability to remove the room, a soft wall cleanroom is the perfect solution. There are many features included in these portable clean rooms that make them ideal for a number of different circumstances. They are completely self-contained so they can be set up almost anywhere. Set-up is easy and they are available with locking casters so you can move them around as necessary.

Features of the Soft Wall Cleanroom

Soft wall cleanrooms are filled with plenty of features that make them perfect for many types of uses. They are available in a number of standard sizes so there is sure to be a size that will meet your specific needs. The rooms offer the same important features of traditional clean rooms but are much more flexible. They are free-standing so they can be placed almost anywhere. These self-contained units have their own ventilation and lighting systems built in. They utilize HEPA air filters so they can be used in many various situations.

Soft wall cleanrooms have clear vinyl curtains that are 40 ml thick or they can be fitted with soft vinyl strips that alternate between clear and frosted. The units have a 3M proprietary dual lock system for curtain attachment. The standard ceiling height is 8 feet and has vinyl rock ceiling times. The latch connection system lets you disconnect and reconnect them in a variety of configurations.


Non-standard customization